After many years of expressing how I’d like to learn to fly fish and after some serious coaxing by a friend, I finally took a beginning fly fishing class with the Minnesota Fly Fishers Club. My eyes have been opened! And, I’ve got a feeling there are others that would love to learn to fly fish, but are intimidated by the way the aficionado talk about the sport. It sounds like there is so much to know. Rods and reels for different size fish. Different size lines to match the reels and rods. And, not to mention the fly’s: Black Ghosts, Woolly Buggers, Royal Coachman, Brown Owls, and Green Weenies…just to name a few. Then, there’s the fish, knowing the river, where they like to sit and then hearing you have to place the fly just right so they aren’t spooked. It’s the experience, you’ll also hear them say, not catching the fish, blah, blah, blah.
Fly Fishing for Bass in the Boundary Waters: Photo by Paul Markert, Markert Productions.
My friend Phil with a BWCA Smallmouth Bass
The reality is, we learned, that for less than $200 you can get set up to have a ton of fun on a river or lake close to home. Fly fishing isn’t just about catching trout on a mountain stream. In fact, I learned that you can fly fish for just about anything. Phil and I happen to have the most fun fishing for Sunfish and Large Mouth Bass in our city lakes, and Small Mouth Bass in the Boundary Waters. Okay, catching a Rainbow Trout in a remote river in Colorado, was not a bad experience at all. My point here, if any of this sounds interesting, please do yourself a favor and check out the video below - Room On The River, and take a class! The class we took is scheduled for April 19th, 2023. Click here to check It out. Ladies, don’t think this is just for men, our class was nearly 50% women, plus, there’s a club just for you as well! Click here to visit Fly Fishing Women of Minnesota. Get out there and give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.