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Serving Up a Classic Holiday Drink: The Tom & Jerry!

For many years the Tom & Jerry has been a favorite Christmas gathering drink in our home. But it wasn't until a few years ago that I sat down and figured out how to make the batter from scratch. The history of this punch goes back to the early 1820's when British journalist Pierce Egan put a twist on eggnog and created the Tom and Jerry to promote his book "Life in London" or "The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn Esq. and his Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom" and the subsequent stage play "Tom and Jerry".

The drink increased in popularity when Jerry Thomas, considered the father of modern mixology and who is said to have claimed to be the creator of the Tom and Jerry, had a similar egg-based cocktail in his 1862 book "How to Mix Drinks" . It reached its height of popularity in the early to mid 1900's and is said to have been the favorite drink of Warren G. Harding. He may have been judged as a terrible president, but he obviously had good taste in drinks.

So if you haven't had it, what the heck is it? The original recipe was just a twist on the traditional eggnog punch which was eggnog and brandy, Egan added rum to this recipe to create the Tom and Jerry. The modern recipe is a bit different, combining eggs, sugar, spices, and sometimes vanilla to make a batter that is added to hot water with a shot of rum and brandy. Watch the video to see how to make it.